virtual circuit
virtual circuit
switched virtual circuit

A connection-oriented network service which
is implemented on top of a network which may be either
connection-oriented or connectionless (packet switching).

The term "switched virtual circuit" was coined needlessly to
distinguish an ordinary virtual circuit from a {permanent
virtual circuit}. (One of the perpetrators of this confusion
appears to be ["Networking Essentials", 1996, Microsoft Press,
ISBN 1-55615-806-8], a book aimed at people preparing for the
MCSE exam on LANs and WANs).

Not to be confused with switched virtual connection.

podobné slovodefinícia
permanent virtual circuit
Permanent Virtual Circuit
Permanent Virtual Connection

(PVC, or in ATM terminology, "Permanent Virtual
Connection") A virtual circuit that is permanently
established, saving the time associated with circuit
establishment and tear-down.

switched virtual circuit
virtual circuit
switched virtual circuit

A connection-oriented network service which
is implemented on top of a network which may be either
connection-oriented or connectionless (packet switching).

The term "switched virtual circuit" was coined needlessly to
distinguish an ordinary virtual circuit from a {permanent
virtual circuit}. (One of the perpetrators of this confusion
appears to be ["Networking Essentials", 1996, Microsoft Press,
ISBN 1-55615-806-8], a book aimed at people preparing for the
MCSE exam on LANs and WANs).

Not to be confused with switched virtual connection.

virtual circuit identifier
Virtual Circuit Identifier

(VCID) An identifier used for the routing of a
virtual circuit. An ATM switch may route according to a
Virtual Circuit Identifier, a Virtual Path Identifier, or a


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